March 4, 2012

The Holidays

Please apologize for my late posts...we have been doing a big remodeling project of our front room and that has consumed our lives. We're almost done so pictures coming soon (hopefully)! We had a WONDERFUL holiday season! It was so much fun to be able to experience it with a child. I know he was too little to understand what was happening but it doesn't mean that he didn't love watching us turn on the Christmas lights every night, have a blast with the wrapping paper and his new toys, and love all of the parties and people! As always it went super fast and I always have all these things in my head that I would like to do but they just never seem to happen. Here are some pictures of the highlights of our Christmas season!

Palmer got his first "big-boy" haircut.  I had no idea what I was doing but I thought it turned out pretty well!
Seeing the lights at Temple Square- it was freezing as usual so we took a much needed break at the JSMB! 

Palmer does not usually cry with pretty much anyone and everyone; except Santa.  Luckily at the second party he just looked at him curiously.

Best. White. Elephant. Gift. Ever. at our traditional Wallace Party gift exchange.

Brad was able to get together with the "Creekside Boys" (as my roommates and I called them).  It had been way too long since they had all been together.  It was fun to see them have a blast!

Christmas Eve!  We went to my parents house and had our traditional feast.  I LOVE Christmas Eve and this year was the best!  There is Palmer in his new pajamas!

 Christmas was so much fun!  I absolutely love that we do our own thing Christmas morning.  We totally take it at our own pace and drag it out as long as possible.  This year was a little different with it being on a Sunday and going to church at 9:00 but it made it a great start to the day.  After church we went downstairs to our little tiny tree and gifts and let Palmer open a couple of presents before he went down for a much needed nap.  He was so cute!  He LOVED all of the new things to look at and he knew exactly where his presents were and crawled right to them.  He then took a very long nap while Brad and I had a nice breakfast, opened most of our gifts, and just relaxed together.  When he woke up he opened up some more of his gifts and loved every minute of it.  We then went to my parents for the day where we relaxed and watched a movie.  What a wonderful and fun day!
Palmer loved his little car that he can ride around on.  Here he is making his "car noises".

Loving the gifts- he is impossible to get a good picture of these days because he wants to be moving all over the place!

He wanted to eat all of the paper of course. 

The next day was even better because we didn't let ourselves do any sort of work on remodeling the house or anything and just relaxed around the house.  We were lucky enough that Brad was able to take off the whole week from work so we had a lot of great family time.  We had my family official Christmas party when my sister and her family were in town.  It was a great party and we had fun exchanging gifts, eating our homemade Cafe Rio salads, and being surrounded by the craziness of babies and kids!  We went up to Brad's parents over New Years weekend and had a blast up with them.  We were disappointed that there was no snow to go snowmobiling or sledding but we managed to have a fun time anyways. 

We were so blessed this Christmas season to be able to spend so much time with family and friends!  We felt so loved and spoiled.  Last year we brought our sweet new baby boy home from the hospital on Christmas Eve and we have had a fantastic year filled with unforgettable memories!

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